High Quatity Continous Filament Mat
Brand: MAtex(www.matex-frp.com)
MAtex produces Fiberglass near Shanghai since 2007, has been specializing in developing and production of: fiberglass textiles, mat and veil, is a scientific and technical fiberglass enterprise.
Product Introduction:
Continuous Filament Mat is made of E-glass ,which was randomly oriented with continuous filaments, is bonded together with a binder. The E-glass possesses high modulus and excellent tensile strength. Continuous Filament Mat can be compatible with Phenolic Resin, Unsaturated Polyester Resin, Vinyl ester resin, and Epoxy resin. Continuous filaments guarantee the stable & excellent mechanical property.
1) Pultrusion
2) Close molding. Vacuum infusion
Features and Product Benefits:
1) Stable & different LOI guarantee various application in pultrusion, RTM, SRIM, compression, lamination, etc.
2) Excellent agent guarantee various resin compatibility
3) Very good surface appearance
4) Very good adaptability in molds of complex Shapes
5) Excellent property of die-cut
6) Excellent mechanic property
7) Easy to cut, splice and overlap with reduced waste
8) Fast flow through

Post time: Nov-24-2023