Fiberglass(Fibra De Vidro) for Pultrusion(Pultrusao)
Supplier: Chang Zhou MAtex Composites Co.,Ltd
(Facility locates near ShangHai,produce fiberglass since 2007, supply worldwidely)
4400TEX / 4800TEX / 8800TEX / 9600TEX
2)Mat (MAtex produced)
kinds of mat for different quality profiles
a)EMK300 / EMK450: traditional & economic mat for pultrusion
b)CFM300 / CFM450
widely used by pultruders, but expensive
c)Stitched Continuous Mat
225g / 300g / 380g / 450g
MAtex designed for pultruders, much cheaper than CFM, continuous fibers on both 0-degree and 90-degree grant profiles good strength
d)90-degree unidirectional mat
450g / 650g...
roving on weft direction, stitched with chopped mat
e)Tri-axial Fabric (0/-45/+45; -45/90/+45)
800g / 1200g...
3)Polyester Synthetic Veil / Poliester Veu
20g / 25g / 30g / 34g / 37g / 40g / 45g / 50g
Apertured / Non-Apertured
Get connection for details!

Post time: Sep-21-2022